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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Accident Waiting to Happen...

That's me...

This past Wednesday I wasn't feeling great and I hadn't slept good all week so I decided to stay home from work. I got some sleep that morning and woke up feeling a little better. We had planned on having a hard sale on Saturday so I wanted to get a few things done inside because I knew Saturday we would be busy.

Well I had some curtains from Ikea that I wanted to hang over my kitchen window so I got the fabric down from the linen closet and I ironed them and hemed the sides because I didn't need them to be huge and I wanted two panels instead of one. Well after I got the sides done I wanted to hang them on the curtain rod and hang them in the kitchen window to see how much I needed to hem the bottom.

So I pulled one of our dining room benches over to the kitchen sink because it was either that or a rolling computer chair and I thought hmmm I am home alone a rolling computer chair is not smart. So I climbed up on the bench with the curtains and hung them up and marked how much I needed to hem them.

Once I was down I got the curtains off the rod and went to step down, and when I did the bench slipped out from under me and before I knew it I was on the ground.

It's been four days and I am still very sore. Below are some pictures that are not for the faint of heart! If you are squeamish and blood makes you freak out do not look at the pictures!!

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